Leak Sealing Resin Injection
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Leak Sealing Resin Injection
Total specialist maintenance provide Leak sealing resin injection waterproofing services to bridges, tunnels, subways, manholes and chambers, sealant pile walls, concrete walls and floors, basements, residential properties, masonry structures and car parks on a national basis and for various market sectors
Total specialist maintenance carries out all forms of leak sealing resin injection waterproofing which includes damp/water-bearing cracks, cracks that require ongoing elastic movement, Leaking expansion joints, leaking movement joints and masonry structures. Total specialist maintenance carries out leak sealing resin injection waterproofing using all different types of leak sealing resin injection waterproofing systems which include fast-reacting foaming polyurethane, closed-cell foaming polyurethane, flexible foaming polyurethane, elastic polyurethane and elastomer gel injection systems.

Total specialist maintenance is an approved contractor of all of the major Leak sealing resin injection waterproofing material manufacturers’ product ranges, As an approved contractor, Total specialist maintenance selects the most appropriate materials and design solutions to provide a cost-effective engineered package.
Problems that require leak sealing resin injection waterproofing
Water bearing defects that require Leak sealing resin injection waterproofing include, expansion joints, movement joints, water-bearing cracks, honeycombed concrete, structures where existing waterproofing has failed, leaking joints in sealant pile walls, leaking joints in sheet piling, pipe penetrations, service penetrations, Canal locks, canal embankments, leaking manholes and leaking joints in precast and in-situ concrete.
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Leak sealing resin injection
Frequently asked questions about Total Specialist Maintenance leak sealing resin injection for domestic, construction, Commercial, pharmaceutical industry, health care, heritage sector Rail, highways, local authorities and infrastructure sectors and technical queries regarding Leak sealing resin injection
Total specialist maintenance seal leaking cracks using closed cell foaming flexible polyurethanes.
Total specialist maintenance seal leaking kicker joints using closed cell foaming flexible polyurethanes and where injection hoses are present we would looks to use an elastomer gel injection system such as MC injekt GL 95 gel injection system.
Total specialist maintenance seal leaking day/construction joints using closed cell foaming flexible polyurethanes and where injection hoses are present, we would looks to use an elastomer gel injection system such as MC injekt GL 95 gel injection system.
Total specialist maintenance seal leaking retaining walls and basement walls using our curtain wall injection system which involves drilling the wall in a grid formation and pumping an elastomer gel injection system to the back of the wall to form a waterproof membrane using MC injekt GL 95 elastomer gel injection system.
Total specialist maintenance seal leaking movement joints using our movement joint injection system, which involves removing the existing filler board/bond breaker, installing a temporary plug using a fast setting plugging mortar, then drilling and injecting the joint using our thixotropic elastomer gel injection system MC injekt GL 95 TX, then removing the plugging material, install a polysulphide sealant joint and then overband the movement joint using a Hypalon bandage system.
Total specialist maintenance seal leaking pipe penetrations using our pipe penetration leaking solution, which involves removing the existing filler board/bond breaker, installing a permanent repair using a fast setting plugging mortar, then drilling and injecting the joint between the pipe plugging mortar and the joint between the host concrete and our plugging mortar using our foaming flexible polyurethane injection resin, upon completion a sealant joint is installed around the pipe using a polysulphide sealant to form a flexible permanent seal.
Total specialist maintenance seal leaking joints between precast concrete section using our joint injection system, which involves removing the existing filler board/bond breaker, installing a temporary plug using a fast setting plugging mortar, then drilling and injecting the joint using our thixotropic elastomer gel injection system MC injekt GL 95 TX, then removing the plugging material, install a polysulphide sealant joint and then overband the movement joint using a Hypalon bandage system.
Total specialist maintenance seal leaking brickwork and masonry barrelled arches using our curtain wall injection system and bridge deck waterproofing system which involves drilling the wall in a grid formation and pumping an elastomer gel injection system to the back of the wall/arch to form a waterproof membrane using MC injekt GL 95 elastomer gel injection system. We then install drainage relief pipes if required to manage the water from the structure.
Total specialist maintenance seal leaking seacant/contiguous piled wall using closed cell foaming flexible polyurethanes or where required we use our structural void filling foaming polyurethane resin injection system. Upon completion the leaking joints/cracks are repaired using a structural R4 concrete repair mortar and then tanked using a waterproof render.
Total specialist maintenance seal leaking sheet piled wall using closed cell foaming flexible polyurethanes or where required we use our structural void filling foaming polyurethane resin injection system. Upon completion the leaking joints are repaired using an epoxy repair mortar.