Movement joint waterproofing
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Total Specialist Maintenance Ltd (TSM) is a leading specialist contractor Driven to exceed expectation!

Movement joint waterproofing
Total specialist maintenance provides movement joint waterproofing remedial solutions to water ingress in basements, underground carparks and below-ground structures such as tunnels service reservoirs and joints within the underside of bridges where the proprietary waterproof system has failed such as water bars and membranes for various market sectors on a national basis
Total specialist maintenance carries out all movement joint waterproofing, including injection waterproofing using thixotropic elastomer gel injection systems, Hypalon bandage systems or injection systems and Hypalon bandage systems in conjunction with each other and sealant joints.

Stopping water leaks within movement joints
It is critical to the success of sealing movement joints that all water ingress/ egress is arrested prior to any further works being undertaken. This involves removing all filler boards/ bond breakers from the joint to ensure that when the resin injection is carried out the injection system fills the entire joint and bonds to the joint walls forming a permanently elastic seal. The joint is temporary plugged using a fast-setting repair mortar to ensure the joint is completely filled and pressurised during the injection process. Once the injection process is complete remove all temporary plugs and install a polysulphide sealant. To provide a full warranted system we then install a Hypalon bandage system over the sealed joint to provide reinforced waterproof movement detail. This system can also be recessed to protect the joint from foot and vehicular traffic.
Please see the below typical detail of the waterproofed remedial movement joint.

- Petrochemical
- Water industry
- Bridges and tunnels
- Rail industry
- Highways
- Ports and marine environments
- Social housing
- Education
- Heritage
- Pharmaceutical
- Food industry
- Hotel and leisure
- Airports
- Public buildings
- Local authorities
- Ministry of Defence
- Multi-storey car parks
- Healthcare
Directly Employed Workforce
Highly Skilled and Experienced Operatives with certified training
Certified Training

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Technical Questions About
Movement joint waterproofing
Frequently asked questions about Total Specialist Maintenance movement/expansion joint waterproofing for construction, commercial, pharmaceutical industry, health care, rail, water sector and infrastructure sectors and technical queries regarding movement joint waterproofing
For any additional information that is not listed please contact our technical team
First of all, you need to understand the reason why the waterproofing detail within the movement/expansion joint has failed i.e poor installation of water bars, design issues due to excessive movement etc. Once the reason for failure has been identified a remedial solution can be proposed which typically involves using a thixotropic Gel injection system such as MC injekt GL 95 TX elastomer gel injection system followed by a Hypalon bandage system that is designed subject to the movement tolerances of the movement/expansion joint.
Waterbars are the most common waterproof joint sealing solution for construction joints and are mandatory for expansion joints. The appropriate profile can be chosen from the wide range of water bars based on various materials, depending on project requirements, however, Total Specialist Maintenance can provide a waterproofing solution for movement/expansion joints that have failed due to poor installation or excessive movement.
When expansion joints are designed, applied, and installed correctly, it is not unusual to achieve a service life of 15-20 years in most industrial applications, however over time defects such as leakage can occur, however a remedial solution using Total Specialist Maintenance movement/expansion joint repair system which would further extend the service life of the movement/expansion joint for a similar duration.
The key function of waterproofing an expansion joint is to minimize water ingress into a structure by creating a secure waterproofing barrier. Penetrating water may cause damage and may reduce the usage and lifecycle of the building failure can be repaired using the Total Specialist Maintenance movement/expansion joint repair system which would further extend the service life of the movement/expansion joint.
Expansion joints that pass along a roof membrane, basement/car park floor and basement/carpark wall need particular attention to remain watertight with the use of water bars and PVC membranes, however, these can be subject to poor installation, however, they can be repaired using the Total Specialist Maintenance movement/expansion joint repair system which would further extend the service life of the movement/expansion joint.